Assistance with inspections and enforcement proceedings

Legal and tax protection
Why should you take out Allianz Taxpayer insurance - Allianz Podatnik?

Benefits for your company
What does Allianz Taxpayer insurance (Allianz Podatnik) provide?
In the basic scope, we ensure financing of the costs of legal and tax assistance during a tax or fiscal audit, as well as financing of the costs of handling a tax dispute - also disputes arising from enforcement proceedings concerning tax liabilities and tax arrears
Rozszerzony extended
Allianz Podatnik - Allianz Taxpayer
Enforcement proceedings - Clause no 3
Private tax disputes - Clause No 1
Tax disputes against management board members - Clause No 2
Control and gauging procedures - ZUS - Clause No 4
Opcional, with Clause No 5
Enforcement proceedings - ZUS - Clause No 5
opcional, with Clause No 4
Do you need this insurance?
Proven solutions
for your company

You have great goals, unique talents and the courage to put your plans into action. The build-up phase also puts you in front of many new tasks, making time more precious than ever

Because pressing issues such as financial planning, business registration, appointments with the tax consultant and the first measures to implement the business idea you take advantage of

Allianz supports you exactly here: by choosing a suitable product for you, you have the peace of mind
Do you want to file a claim?
Frequently asked questions about Allianz Taxpayer insurance (Allianz Podatnik)
Since 2005 our exclusive partner in this insurance has been Tax Studies Institute (Instytut Studiów Podatkowych). If an insured event occurs - an insurance accident, inspection or dispute - you should report it directly to Tax Studies Institute (the telephone number is provided on the policy, the procedure for reporting loss is also attached to the policy).
All actions to confirm the coverage are performed directly by Tax Studies Institute (Instytut Studiów Podatkowych) and Allianz.
If the Tax Studies Institute (Instytut Studiów Podatkowych) takes action and is obliged to issue an invoice, then the dispute entitlement can be considered used. However, it may be that an inspection is initiated at the customer's premises and this fact is reported to the ISP (Instytut Studiów Podatkowych) , but the inspection is completed without any intervention or consultation with the ISP (Instytut Studiów Podatkowych) . The ISP (Instytut Studiów Podatkowych) will not issue any invoice and the tax dispute limit will not be used. This results from the very definition of a tax dispute in the general terms and conditions of insurance, where it is indicated that the event under the policy is the resulting cost.
Yes. You can take out insurance. However, disputes that are already pending are not covered by the insurance. Also, notice of initiation of an inspection already constitutes a known circumstance at the time of taking out the insurance. Therefore, such an inspection cannot be covered. In addition, there is a grace period in new policies, which does not allow for coverage of inspections/disputes that start within 6 weeks from the payment of the premium.
- ZUS (Zaklad Ubezpieczen Społecznych - National Insurance Institution) - yes, if the insurance coverage is extended.
- PIP (National Labour Inspectorate) - such audits are not covered by insurance.
- Urząd Celno Skarbowy - Customs and Tax Office - yes, but only in terms of taxes (including excise tax). Duty, which is not a tax, is excluded from insurance coverage.
Yes. We believe that this is one of the greatest advantages of this insurance. With Allianz Taxpayer, it is important that an inspection at the business or a dispute starts during the insurance period. It does not matter what year it concerns. We protect against all business tax obligations subject to tax/fiscal inspections that are not time-barred.
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We'll do our best to help you handle all insurance-related issues – quickly and conveniently – online.
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In our archive you will find, among others, forms to help you submit an order, general T&Cs of insurance and documents related to investment funds.
This material is for informational purposes only, it is intended to provide a general outline of the nature and scope of the aforementioned insurance and does not constitute an offer within the definition of Article 66 § 1 of the Civil Code. The detailed scope and terms and conditions of the abovementioned insurance are regulated by the general terms and conditions of insurance with attachments (available in the Documents for Insurance tab), in which you will find provisions concerning, among others, premiums, scope of insurance, limitations and exclusions of liability of TUIR Allianz Polska S.A. and the conditions of payouts and rules for calculating insurance benefits.