Pursuant to Article 3(1) of the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on the disclosure of information related to the sustainable development in the financial services sector, which provides that the financial market participants publish on their websites information on their strategies for risks to ensure the sustainable development in the process of making investment decisions, TFI Allianz Polska S.A. hereby presents its strategy
- a risk to the sustainable development means an environmental, social or management situation or circumstances which, if they occur, could have a significant negative impact, real or potential, on the value of an investment
- sustainable development factors mean environmental, social and labor issues as well as issues concerning respect for the human rights and the fight against the corruption and the bribery.
Strategy concerning management of risks for the sustainable development in the investment decisions process
Risks for the sustainable development are environmental situations or circumstances which, if they occur, could have a real or potential and significant negative impact on the value of investments made by TFI Allianz Polska S.A. on behalf of its clients. Examples of risks for the sustainable development include: climate change, social issues, violation of human rights, corruption, improper treatment of employees by companies whose shares or bonds are operated by clients of TFI Allianz Polska S.A. in form of investment products provided by TFI Allianz Polska S.A.
TFI Allianz Polska S.A. belongs to the Allianz Group which is one of the initiators of the "Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance" - UN-supported alliance aiming for reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions. The Allianz Group is involved in initiatives aimed to consider environmental, social and supervisory (ESG) factors in the course of investment decision-making processes.
When making decisions on new investment products, TFI Allianz Polska S.A. intends to consider the risks for the sustainable development. If, in the opinion of TFI Allianz Polska S.A., consideration of risks for the sustainable development in the process of making investment decisions could, in case of a particular product, noticeably reduce the risk of an incident having a significant negative impact on the investment value, TFI Allianz Polska S.A. will include those risks into the process of making the investment decisions. The inclusion shall result in, among other things, limiting the possibility to invest in securities the price of which could fall significantly if the risk related to the sustainable development materializes and the probability of risk materialization would be higher than the average for similar securities.
For the existing investment products TFI Allianz Polska S.A. intends to consider the risks for the sustainable development in the process of making the investment decisions, if consideration of the risks for the sustainable development in the process of making the investment decisions could, in case of a particular product, noticeably reduce the risk of occurrence of an incident having a significant negative impact on the investment value, and at the same time, including those risks in the process of making investment decisions would neither contradict the arrangements with the existing clients, nor violate the obligations which TFI Allianz Polska S.A. has towards the existing clients or jeopardize the fulfillment of the fiduciary duty towards the existing clients.